Career Information

We have a great range of tools and links you can access to assist in finding the right apprenticeship and traineeship for you

Considering your career? We invite you to use Group Training as the means to secure your Apprenticeship or Traineeship. Utilise the latest information on hundreds of career options through our career advice partner Australian Apprenticeship Pathways.

Click here for information and advice or visit

Practice Aptitude Tests

Practice aptitude assessments have been developed with the assistance of Industry and Registered Training Organisations, based on the needs and requirements of the Industry sector.

These assessments are intended to prepare people who may be required to sit an aptitude test as part of an interview and assessment process for a job vacancy, such as an apprenticeship.

The assessment can be used by a number of different organisations or people such as Group Training Organisations, Career Education Teachers, Mathematics Teachers within schools, Australian Apprenticeship Centres or individuals.

View Aptitude Tests Here
Australian Apprenticeships and Traineeships Information Service

Australian Apprenticeships & Traineeships Information is a partner to the Australian Apprenticeships Pathways, both providing current information and a range of resources on all aspects of Apprenticeships and Traineeships in Australia.

The Australian Apprenticeships & Traineeships Information provides information and resources for:

  • Australian Apprenticeship Support Services
  • Registered Training Organisations
  • Group Training Organisations
  • Job Services Australia providers
  • And other service providers and stakeholders.

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NSW Department of Industry – Training Services NSW

Training Services NSW is part of the NSW Department of Education

The Training Services NSW website provides advice and support to:

  • NSW businesses to help them meet their current and future skills needs
  • People seeking official information and help with apprenticeships and traineeships
  • Access the vocational training system in NSW for industry, trainers and learners

Training Services NSW manages activities and programs which address the NSW Government’s policies on the state’s future skills needs.

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Skills Canberra

Skills Canberra is part of the ACT Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate

Skills Canberra is responsible and accountable for the provision of strategic advice and overall management of vocational education and training (VET). Skills Canberra also manages Commonwealth and ACT funding directed to VET programs in the ACT. This includes administering territory and national funds for a variety of programs addressing skills development for entry level and existing workers, as well as adult community education. The VET system in the ACT responds to the demands and requirements of industry and the community. Skills Canberra gathers advice from research and industry stakeholders to predict industry trends and identify the future training requirements of the ACT.

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Australian Apprenticeships Pathways

Australian Apprenticeships Pathways is a partner to the Australian Apprenticeships and Traineeships Information Service, both providing current information and a range of resources on all aspects of Apprenticeships and Traineeships in Australia.

Group Training Organisations are frequent users of these Services with many GTOs having established an online account allowing them to dynamically customise website materials.

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