About Us

Apprentice Employment Network NSW & ACT

The Group Training Association of NSW & ACT Inc trading as The Apprentice Employment Network NSW & ACT (AEN NSW ACT) is the peak body representing a network of independent, not-for-profit Registered Group Training Organisations in NSW and ACT. We form part of a national network of group training associations.

Our Structure

AEN NSW ACT has an Executive Officer and three Executive Council Members. They are:

  • Chairperson
    Tom Emeleus, General Manager, NECA Training and Apprenticeships
  • Deputy Chairperson
    Libby Ford, Operations Manager, HVTC
  • Treasurer
    Jim Whiteside, CEO, Australian Training Company
  • Executive Officer
    Jason Sultana
Our Stakeholders
  • 30 Registered Group Training Organisations in NSW & ACT
  • NSW & ACT Government
  • Federal Government
  • TAFE & Private RTOs
  • Host Businesses
  • Apprentices and Trainees
  • Parents and Jobseekers
  • Schools and Career Advisors
How to become a Registered Group Training Organisation in NSW

Training Services (TS) NSW and Skills Canberra, the two government bodies responsible for GTO registration in NSW and ACT, have agreed on a joint GTO registration process.

To be eligible for this joint process only a GTO must:

  • operate in both NSW and ACT; and
  • have a permanent physical presence in NSW; and
  • use the same policies, processes and systems in both jurisdictions.

Eligible GTOs will only be required to pay for one lot of registration fees.

For further information about this policy, please refer to NSW & ACT Joint Registration Process.

GTOs operating in NSW and ACT

To be registered in NSW, a GTO must demonstrate that their organisation is compliant with the National Standards for Group Training Organisations. The Standards were developed and endorsed by the Commonwealth and all States and Territories and are designed to provide a quality framework for a nationally consistent, robust, group training service. Registration is not mandatory in NSW.

Benefits of being a registered GTO in NSW

Registered GTOs in NSW may:

  • promote themselves as a quality group training organisation assessed against the National Standards for Group Training Organisations
  • utilise the national Group Training Organisation logo
  • access Commonwealth and State government programs and incentives only available to registered GTOs.
  • have their organisation’s details promoted on Commonwealth and State government websites as a registered GTO in NSW.

To become a GTOs seeking registration or re-registration should download the following documents:

To become a registered GTO in NSW, organisations need to:

  1. conduct a self-assessment of their organisation’s systems, processes and services against the National Standards;
  2. prepare an Application Form, Compliance Assessment Report and other support materials, and lodge with Training Services NSW, Department of Education; and
  3. participate in a compliance audit conducted by an independent auditor nominated by the Department. This generally involves a desk audit, a site audit, and interviews with apprentices/trainees and host employers. Note: all costs for the independent auditor are to be reimbursed by the applicant GTO.

Once an organisation is assessed as meeting the National Standards, and any other requirements imposed by the Department, registration of the GTO may be approved by the Commissioner for Vocational Training under the Apprenticeship and Traineeship Act 2001. Registration will be for between one and three years.

How to become a Registered Group Training Organisation in the ACT only

From 2018, the ACT requires all GTOs that seek to identify as a GTO employer on a National Training Contract are registered in the ACT.

The process to apply for registration is dependent on a range of factors, including, for already registered GTOs, the State or Territory where the current GTO registration is held. The registration process is described in the GTO Registration Guide.

ACT GTO Registration Guide (PDF)

ACT Group Training Organisation Application Form (38.3 kb)

ACT GTO Compliance Assessment Report (178.8 kb)